May is Pro-Life month
Symbolism of the Easter Basket
The Christmas Angels
Remember Our Fallen Heroes
Catechesis of Easter Basket
Why are we reading the Epistle facing the Altar?
St. Ephrem Prayer
House blessing prayers
The Official 365 Day Reading Plan for The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz), featuring Jeff Cavins
Prayer for 2020 and 2021 by Melannie Svoboda SND published on Sunflower Seeds website
Glory to God for all things!
Spiritual First Aid for a Virtual Community: Stronger Together While Physically Apart
A Brief Guide to Holy Week and Easter - 2020
A Message to Canadians from Religious Leaders in Canada in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Catechesis for adults
Helpful Websites for The Domestic Church (Families)
Inception of Wonder Podcast - Openhouse of Worship at St. Stephen Part 2
Inception of Wonder Podcast - Openhouse of Worship at St. Stephen Part 1
Inception of Wonder Podcast - Interview with Fr. Greg Part 1 (Audio)
Inception of Wonder Podcast - Interview with Fr. Greg Part 2 (Audio)
St. Philip's fast Reflections & Discussions for families
2019 Pastoral Letter on the Occasion of the Feast of The Resurrection
Catechesis of Easter Basket
Venerable Nun Martyrs Olympia and Laurentia
The Word of God in Scripture. How to read and interpret the Bible
The Word of God in Scripture: How to read and interpret the Bible. How to read the Bible, the Word of God. How to interpret the Bible. Read more ..
A Church in Dialogue
“Dialogue is born from an attitude of respect for the other person, from a conviction that the other person has something good to say. It assumes that there is room in the heart for the person’s point of view, opinion, and proposal. To dialogue entails a cordial reception, not a prior condemnation.
In order to dialogue, it is necessary to know how to lower the defences, open the doors of the house, and offer human warmth.” Read more ...
In order to dialogue, it is necessary to know how to lower the defences, open the doors of the house, and offer human warmth.” Read more ...
Discovering the Unity of Life and Love
A reflection on the foundations for a Theology of Human Love. Who are we? Do we create our own meaning or receive it as a gift.. Read more .....
A Key Religious Figure the World Needs to Know About
Most of the year he lives near Rome. He is a well-respected scholar, Fellow of the University of Toronto’s Chair of Ukrainian Studies, and the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton’s and indeed the global Ukrainian Catholic Church’s, expert historian, with the Vatican’s mountain of information at his fingertips. He is Rev. Dr. Athanasius McVay. Read more ..
The Missionary Dynamic of the Parish Today
Introduction: The Current Situation and the Church’s Call Evangelization takes place in obedience to the missionary mandate of Jesus: ‘Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Mt 28.19-20). In these verses we see how the risen Christ sent his followers to preach the Gospel in every time and place, so that faith in him might spread to every corner of the earth. Read More ...
Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
Life with its highs and its lows! Some welcome and others reject life, with its joys and its disappointments. Some rejoice in it, and others are troubled by it. Each
day the national and international news are filled with events that illustrate the many varied attitudes people take in the face of the undeniable challenges of life. Read More ...
day the national and international news are filled with events that illustrate the many varied attitudes people take in the face of the undeniable challenges of life. Read More ...
Bullying: A plague to combat together
Throughout the country, bullying is rampant. According to the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, at least one of every three teenagers reports being bullied at school – a problem that is responsible for 15% of cases of truancy. All in all, more than 30% of Canadian teens are bullied at school; moreover, 10% experience daily attacks or threats from their peers. Read more ...
Marriage in the Catholic Church - FAQ
Why does marriage matter so much to the Church? 2. Does the Church really believe that sex is good? 3. Why do many people today delay getting married?
4. But does getting married really add anything? 5. Should couples really postpone sex until they get married? Get answers to these questions and more ...
4. But does getting married really add anything? 5. Should couples really postpone sex until they get married? Get answers to these questions and more ...
In the name of Love - The natural approach to family planning
We love each other passionately! We’d prefer not to have children right away because we want to explore and deepen our love before becoming parents. This leaflet provides a concrete answer to this very legitimate desire. It proposes a way of life that includes a natural, safe and effective means of family planning. It also offers some Christian reflection on sexuality that goes beyond the choice of family planning methods. Read more ......
The unborn child, a gift, a treasure and a promise
Life! A miracle of creation. Life! The greatest of all gifts. Life! The first of all rights. Respect for life, especially of the weakest among us, is the gauge of a civilization. Where human life exists, its inherent dignity and worth demand unconditional respect. Where the right to life is not fully protected, other rights are sooner or later mocked. Read more ...
The church speaks out.
Excerpts on Euthanasia, suicide and the christian meaning of suffering
for personal reflection..
High-Tech babies.. Exploring New Challenges to Human dignity
When David and Stephanie got married, like most newlyweds they hoped to have children one day. They soon began compiling a list of their favorite baby names. But month after month, their disappointment and anxiety grew as each pregnancy test showed only a minus sign. Having children seems like the most natural thing in the world, and it comes easily to most people. But for about one in six couples, the road to parenthood isn’t easy. Doctors may present couples like David and Stephanie with a range of options. These may include fertility drugs, in-vitro fertilization, donated sperm or eggs (ova), or even surrogacy. Read more ....
The Christian Family - Good news for the world
“Then Jesus poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel that was tied around him.” (John 13:5)
The world’s greatness is revealed in these lines from the Gospel. The world’s beauty is contained in this very human gesture that Jesus makes towards his disciples. The world’s attention is centred on Jesus, who chooses to get down on his knees to demonstrate God’s real and tender love for his children. Jesus gets on his knees before each one of us to communicate his love, affection and Life to us. Read more....
The world’s greatness is revealed in these lines from the Gospel. The world’s beauty is contained in this very human gesture that Jesus makes towards his disciples. The world’s attention is centred on Jesus, who chooses to get down on his knees to demonstrate God’s real and tender love for his children. Jesus gets on his knees before each one of us to communicate his love, affection and Life to us. Read more....
World Peace: a family recipe !
Peace: is it an illusion, a dream or a utopian vision? “To everyone I affirm that peace is possible. It needs to be implored from God as his gift, but it also needs to be built day by day with his help, through works of justice and love,” said Pope John Paul II.1 For its part, the United Nations proclaimed in 2001 an International decade for a culture of peace and non-violence for the children of the world. Read more ..
Discovering the Unity of Life and Love
A reflection on the foundations for a Theology of Human Love. Read more ...
The Joy of Love at the Heart of the Family
During the Jubilee Year of Mercy, in his post-synodal exhortation Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love),1 Pope Francis invited us, in the manner of a kindly grandfather, to rediscover the immense beauty of God’s plan – a plan that meets the aspirations of the human heart from generation to generation. One word sums up the 325 paragraphs of this unique document filled with respect, tenderness and practical wisdom about love in the family: HOPE! Read more ...
Guidelines for the Celebration of the Sacraments with Persons & Families Considering or Opting for Death by Assisted Suicide or Euthanasia
Death by assisted suicide and euthanasia has been made legal in Canada. These grievous affronts to the dignity of human life from beginning to natural end are never morally justified. The legal permission now granted to these practices does not change the moral law. The teaching of the Church on these matters is clear. Euthanasia “is a grave violation of the law of God, since it is the deliberate and morally unacceptable killing of a human person.” Since suicide, objectively speaking, is a gravely immoral act, it follows that “to concur with the intention of another person to commit suicide and to help in carrying it out through so-called “assisted suicide,” means to cooperate in, and at times to be the actual perpetrator of, an injustice which can never be excused.” Read more ...
Catholic Teaching on Transgender
Recently there seems to be an increase in numbers of children and adults presenting themselves as wishing to be members of the opposite sex. These people are said to be experiencing “gender dysphoria,” and society mostly uses the word “transgender” to refer to them. This means they are experiencing a strong desire to be a person of the opposite gender, and they act as if they already are, or express the desire to do so: they wear the clothing of the opposite gender, they want to be called by a chosen name and to be part of the activities of the opposite gender, at least as far as possible. It is important to note that some children express these desires in an ongoing way as young as four or five. Read more ..
Winter Pascha : Reflections on Philippian Fast
Forty day fast before the feast of the Nativity on December 2
Winter Pascha is the term coined by Father Thomas Hopko and the title of his book of reflections for the Phillipian Fast. This forty day fast before the feast of the Nativity on December 25. The book is organized as a daily reflection for the period. there are forty short sections covering the important themes that help prepare for the incarnation of our Lord.
Winter Pascha Week 1
Winter Pascha Week 2
Winter Pascha Week 3
Winter Pascha Week 4
Winter Pascha Week 5
Winter Pascha Week 6
Winter Pascha Week 1
Winter Pascha Week 2
Winter Pascha Week 3
Winter Pascha Week 4
Winter Pascha Week 5
Winter Pascha Week 6
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