M.A.F.I.A. (Mothers and Fathers in Action)Are you looking for a place to fit in with your kids? Well… come join the MAFIA.
Mothers and Fathers in Action is a new group that we are starting up here in our parish community. Gatherings of young families for spiritual, social, emotional, and Catechetical development of both the children and the parents. And we have lots of fun. All parents and expectant parents are welcome regardless if you are part of the parish or not. We love God, we love our kids, and we love working and being together with others who also love God and little kids. This is a group for parents (and parents to be) so that we can socialize and work together as a family in the sight of our loving God. For more info, email: [email protected] AGE: Parents with young children LOCATION: St. Stephen Protomartyr Church 4903 – 45 Street, SW, Calgary, AB COST: Free CONTACT: Parish Office (403) 249-4818 |
SATURDAYS: 3:00 pm - Confessions, 4:00 pm - Great Vespers 5:00 pm - Divine Liturgy SUNDAYS: 8:30am Ukr / Eng 10:30am English WEEKDAYS: Tuesdays to Fridays 9:00 am Divine Liturgies |
Contact : Office:: 403-249-4818, ext 0 Email: Office@Protomartyr.ca|
Pastoral Emergencies Telephone: 403-249-4818, ext 9 Address : 4903 45 St SW, Calgary, AB T3E 3W5 © COPYRIGHT 2016 St. Stephen Protomartyr, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. |