Plus 50 Club
St. Stephen’s Plus 50 Club, founded in 1996, provides retired people in our Parish and other Parishes an opportunity to meet and interact socially, The Club meets on the last Tuesday of every month except December, July and August. Members meet in the Parish Hall at 11:00am and enjoy card games and other social events. A potluck luncheon is enjoyed at noon, followed by a short meeting. Often there are speakers or videos which are of general interest to seniors. The socials are advertised in the Church Bulletin. New members are always welcome! There is a nominal membership fee of $5.00.
Please contact our Club President, Ed Tysowski, for more information or to join today! Phone: 403-547-3226 or Email: [email protected]
Plus 50 luncheons and meetings will resume on September 28 at 11:00 am. The luncheon will be Potluck. Please contact Ed Tysowski at 403-547-3326 for more information. Followed by Oct. 26 and Nov. 30
AGE: Seniors
TIMES: 11:00am - 2:00pm
LOCATION: St. Stephen Protomartyr Ukrainian Catholic Church
4903 – 45 Street, SW, Calgary, AB
Please contact our Club President, Ed Tysowski, for more information or to join today! Phone: 403-547-3226 or Email: [email protected]
Plus 50 luncheons and meetings will resume on September 28 at 11:00 am. The luncheon will be Potluck. Please contact Ed Tysowski at 403-547-3326 for more information. Followed by Oct. 26 and Nov. 30
AGE: Seniors
TIMES: 11:00am - 2:00pm
LOCATION: St. Stephen Protomartyr Ukrainian Catholic Church
4903 – 45 Street, SW, Calgary, AB