Contact Information
If you would like to leave us a comment or if you would like to get a hold of us please use the contact form below.
St. Stephen Protomartyr Ukrainian Catholic Church
4903 – 45 Street, S.W. Calgary, AB Canada T3E 3W5 For Pastoral Emergencies: Telephone: 403-249-4818, ext 9 Office Hours & Telephone: Telephone: 403-249-4818, ext 0 Monday – Thursday: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm; Closed Weekends, Statutory Holidays Pastor : Fr. Janko Herbut [email protected] Office:403-249-4818, ext. 1 |
Parish Office Administrator
Linda Buck Telephone: 403-249-4818, ext 0 Fax: 403-685-9001 Email: [email protected] Maintenance Contact: John Kowal Telephone: 403-249-4818, ext 4 Email: [email protected] Hall Rental Inquiries Connor Chelack Telephone : 403-249-4818 ext 5 Email: [email protected] |
Contact Info For St. Stephen's Charitable Committees, Activities & Organizations
Pass It On - Clothing charity for families.
Theresa Lewchuk, Co-Convener, Operations Cell-phone: 403-815-6055 Email: [email protected] Deborah Johnson, Co-Convener, Communications Cell-phone: 403-863-0941 Email: [email protected] Men’s Dinner Annual major church fundraiser for capital expenses plus charity endeavours. Contact: Greg Bobyn Telephone: 403-271-0011 Email: [email protected] The Helping Others Network Distributes used furnishings and clothing to the needy. Contact: Des Peplinski Telephone: 403-238-0804 Email: [email protected] Religious Art Committee Discusses and coordinates religious artwork for the parish. Contact: Jim Ochitwa Email: [email protected] UCWLC: Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada Responds to parish and community needs through volunteerism, pastoral works, Ukrainian culture & aid. Contact: Nettie Kost Telephone: 403-236-8362 Email: [email protected] Knights of Columbus: Provides financial aid & support for members and their families, and helps the sick, needy and disabled in our parish, city and abroad. Contact: Ivan Weleschuk (3rd Degree) Email: [email protected] Contact: Bohdan Tyrawski (4th Degree) Email: [email protected] Plus 50 Club: Provides social interaction for seniors. Also promotes programs and activities relevant to seniors. Contact: Ed Tysowski, President Phone: 403-547-3226 Email: [email protected] Prayer & Support Group: Accepts prayer requests for the confidential needs and intentions of parishioners and others. Contact: Marilyn Comchi Telephone: 403-220-9624 Email: [email protected] Support Network: Provides support, encouragement & help for parishioners facing various difficulties/situations with referrals to services or help they need. Contact: Bernadette Lukey, Pastoral Care Director Email: [email protected] International Trust Fund: Solicits & invests donations and disburses earned income to international charities in 2nd and 3rd world countries. Contact: Steve Groch Email: [email protected] Family Support Trust Fund: Solicits & invests donations and disburses earned income to parishioners in need. Contact: Mary Chudyk, Charity Director Email: [email protected] |
Planned Giving: A program for individuals to make legacy donations to St. Stephen’s through a will or other planned giving options.
Contact: Greg Yuzwa, CPA, Co-ordinator Email: [email protected] Parish Library: A great place to borrow great books about our faith. Email: Contact the office at [email protected] ARK Store: Looking for the perfect religious item as a gift or for yourself? Check out the Ark store at the entrance to our hall. Contact: Donna Chelack Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Mothers and Fathers in Action (M.A.F.I.A.): A group for parents and children from ‘in utero’ to Grade 6. Contact: Zenon Berg Email: [email protected] Sunday School: A program run on most Sundays during the 10:30am Divine Liturgy for preschoolers age 4 through grade 2 children (pre-First Solemn Communion). Currently canceled Email: [email protected] First Solemn Communion(FSC): Sacramental Classes for children around grade 2 who are ready to approach for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist on their own. Contact: Kathy Livesey Email: [email protected] Elementary School Catechesis: A program run on most Sundays before the 10:30am Divine Liturgy for elementary school children grades 2 – 6 who have completed their First Solemn Communion. Email : [email protected] (or) [email protected] Adult Catechism (RCIA): This program is open to Adults and Teens who want to receive the sacraments or just understand the faith. Contact: Fr. Janko Email: [email protected] Calgary Pro-Life Association: Raises funds for educational awareness programs. Contact: John Siroishka Telephone: 403-271-2128 Email: [email protected] Myrrhbearers Girls Club: Elementary school aged girls who have completed their FSC are encouraged to join this girls club which will focus on service in the Church, growing in faith and holiness. Contact: Dob. Kim Bombak Email: [email protected] Altar Boys: Elementary school aged boys who have completed their FSC, are encouraged to get involved by serving at the Altar, growing in faith and fraternity. Contact: Dob. Kim Bombak Email: [email protected] |