Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory be Forever!
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
You are invited to attend St Stephen Annual General Meeting on Sunday March 21st, 2021 starting at approximately 11:45 AM MST (right after 10:30am diving liturgy)
A limited number of socially-distanced seats will be available in the hall but if you prefer you can attend remotely via Zoom.
If you plan to attend remotely you are required to register in advance using the following link:
As part of this registration, you will be asked for your name, email address, parish envelope number and the number of people who are planning to attend. This will allow us to validate each registrant as a voting parishioner and to properly tally voting results.
Once you’ve registered you will receive a confirmation email containing Zoom meeting information (please keep this as you will need it to join us on the 21st)
A copy of the Financial Statement can be found HERE.
A copy of the Stewardship report can be found here
SAGM Minutes from November 2020
St Stephen Parish Pastoral Council